Frets on Fire is a
esque music
rythm game, which is totally open source
"Frets on Fire is a game of musical skill and fast fingers. The aim of the game is to play guitar with the keyboard as accurately as possible.
Unique inverted keyboard gameplay style
Support for guitar controllers and generic joysticks
Includes a song editor for making your own tunes
Compete with others on the World Charts
Hundreds of songs composed by the community
Supports importing Guitar Hero™ I and Guitar Hero™ II songs
Multiplatform; runs on Windows™, Linux®, Mac OS X™ and FreeBSD®
Open source, full Python source code available"

The idea behind the game is the same as that of Guitar Hero, hit the notes get multiplier, score points, be awesome.
The difficulties have different names, but are essentially the same.

The songs are all made by the community, the game only comes with two songs.
But community sites have thousands of
downloadable songs that fall into three categories
Legal songs and notes(with artist
Legal tracks(no song included due to copyright infringement)
Illegal songs and tracks available via direct download or large torrent pack
By track I refer to the notes you hit along to the song.
Songs are available from these locations:
Keyboards on FireFoF SpainFinal FretAnd many, many, more sites most of which can be found via the
allmighty google.

The best part is this game is easily modded, and so you can customize it to your liking add features etc. The base game is minimal but once modded, can do awesome things, and just look sick.

Other than the occasional performance issues,
FoF is a solid, awesome game that kept my attention for many hours, so go on and check it out.
FR(Freeware Rating):No BS
HomepageDirect Download to come later. Sorry.